
my strange addiction~pop rocks

hey everyone, i need some help.. if thats fine with you if you have the solution just drop it in the comment box below ⬇:) i have this strange yet yummy addiction to pop rocks? they are like a bubbling volcano that just explode in your mouth... i know im fat :D and i am PROUD mama! {im not obese btdubbss} my bestie came over the other day and we partied all night long popping the rocks! she brought a stash that she was collecting for the whole year in this plastic box and then we put all of them in a bowl 'let loose mother goose!' we went NUTS, but who cares i was with my bestie and we went wild yolo, anyways the last time my baby cousin had pop rocks she stuffed the whole thing in my mouth {grodyyy} i know but anyhoo, she almost chocked me with the violent explosions that hit my mouth like a tone of bricks.. :L i never let her near my mouth again..


P.S : if you are reading this and wondering why the hell i would be posting something as strange as that... it 12:00am im tired and i wanna sleep <3



๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’œ✻ our stash.. of the amazing POPPP ROCKKKSS xoxo ✻

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