
maxi sensations.

hey guys. i know that its not the right time to be wearing the plush maxi dresses, i have been seeing them being worn out in this cold weather! anyways.. no new updates about life or anything in particular , except for the fact the school life is not getting anything more exciting then a really gross guy making out with one of the really popular girls.. L.A.M.E rumours that just spread, and spread like dripping honey.. it gets sticky. :) i have had the cold lately and i am in bed sick just checking my facebook ever 5 minutes and looking at the amazing tumblr pics that are being posted ever 3 seconds, my life in is completely basic, i live in this small cottage just opposite the beach, my really good friends and i are swapping houses in like 2 weeks :) yay!! i can eventually have a room to myself. and have everything my way..!! :) i go to a mixed school like ten minutes down the road, we have icky uniforms with polyester jumpers that make you itch everywhere... i have taken home ec and music for my choice subjects and i have one sister and a mom of course! :D


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